Delight your corporate clients with seamless travel booking

If you have corporate clients depending on your travel management company to plan, book, and manage business travel, AgencyAuto is tailor-made for you.
Delight your corporate clients with seamless travel booking

With our cloud-based, unified platform for TMCs
to handle all their corporate clients, you can

The AgencyAuto advantage

what our solution will do for your clients

AgencyAuto enables professionals in travel management companies to provide an easy booking experience for corporate clients in addition to significant savings on each booking. Further, clients can:

Ensure the approval workflow is respected


Ensure that all their corporate travel policies are followed


Keep track of employees’ travel and expenses


Monitor travel spends with interactive dashboards and reports

Desktop with Ticket Symbol for making bookings for flights, hotels, and car rentals with AgencyAuto

Make bookings for flights, hotels, car rentals, etc. in a matter of seconds


Receive information in real-time regarding booking status, invoice/ payment status, etc.

Tangible benefits for TMCs

Communicate better with clients

Communicate better with clients

Group 55423

Implement service level agreements with clients easily

Slider Icon Showing that AgencyAuto can widen the reach of your products and services globally

Widen the reach of your products and services globally

A Women With Text Bubbles Illustrating the customized markups depending on the customer segments

Have customized markups depending on the client

Pink rectangle with one edge circle - a fillter design element

Keep your client notified of the latest travel information, including new of travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, etc.

AgencyAuto's Product Screenshot - Banner Image for the Web Page

Delight your corporate clients with a pain-free business travel experience

As business travel rebounds, you need to ensure your travel management company stands out from the competition with differentiated and premium products. In essence, you need to help your corporate clients maximize the value of their business spending by streamlining every process, including orders, offers, bookings, expense management, and the reporting of travel spending.

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